BITX Analysis
Low Analysis:
Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
Low | Volume | Date | Volume Broken | Date Broken |
52.99 | 13,234,800 | Nov-26-2024 | 10,742,075 | Dec-23-2024 |
30.49 | 7,577,300 | Nov-04-2024 | 0 | Not Broken |
30.56 | 9,235,500 | Oct-23-2024 | 7,577,300 | Nov-04-2024 |
24.98 | 7,301,600 | Oct-10-2024 | 0 | Not Broken |
25.56 | 7,594,100 | Oct-02-2024 | 7,301,600 | Oct-10-2024 |
21.16 | 9,908,000 | Sept-06-2024 | 0 | Not Broken |
25.42 | 11,532,700 | Aug-15-2024 | 4,709,900 | Sept-03-2024 |
19.04 | 20,164,000 | Aug-05-2024 | 0 | Not Broken |