Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
23.18 82,990 Dec-03-2024 612,166 Dec-18-2024
23.22 170,100 Nov-15-2024 82,990 Dec-03-2024
23.22 170,100 Nov-15-2024 82,990 Dec-03-2024
23.14 260,100 Nov-01-2024 612,166 Dec-18-2024
23.2 198,600 Oct-10-2024 260,100 Nov-01-2024
23.2 95,600 Oct-07-2024 198,600 Oct-10-2024
23.25 161,600 Sept-25-2024 95,600 Oct-07-2024
23.02 214,000 Sept-04-2024 612,166 Dec-18-2024
22.81 110,500 Aug-05-2024 0 Not Broken