Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
24.77 7,908 Dec-03-2024 24,860 Dec-12-2024
24.81 30,400 Nov-20-2024 7,908 Dec-03-2024
24.78 121,800 Oct-24-2024 7,908 Dec-03-2024
24.67 48,000 Oct-15-2024 48,349 Dec-16-2024
24.49 92,400 Oct-01-2024 94,646 Dec-18-2024
23.92 48,300 Sept-03-2024 98,134 Dec-19-2024
22.3 57,800 Aug-05-2024 0 Not Broken