Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
38.52 241,137 Nov-04-2024 0 Not Broken
39.2 102,709 Oct-23-2024 116,169 Oct-31-2024
39.7 149,976 Oct-09-2024 119,795 Oct-22-2024
36.32 184,531 Sept-06-2024 0 Not Broken
37.15 268,021 Aug-12-2024 259,077 Aug-28-2024
35.24 105,763 Jul-09-2024 0 Not Broken
36.29 600,339 Jun-21-2024 241,301 Jul-05-2024