High Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new highs, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
HighVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
113.01 27,929 Nov-14-2024 35,355 Nov-25-2024
108.41 22,606 Oct-17-2024 26,373 Oct-28-2024
104.03 31,201 Sept-19-2024 34,413 Sept-30-2024
102.5 28,129 Aug-22-2024 28,676 Sept-16-2024
102.66 64,720 Aug-01-2024 22,507 Sept-17-2024
103.7 44,777 Jul-16-2024 31,201 Sept-19-2024
100.42 49,800 Jun-19-2024 25,146 Jul-04-2024